Powered Production Film Services 

Optional Extra's

These optional extra's can enhance your final production value. We have a range of additional extra props that you can hire to add that extra little bit of realism to your production shoot. Any of these items can be added to your booking form via our costume hire booking form, or by clicking the link below on this page. If you require something that isn't listed on this page, please reach out to one of our friendly representatives who may be able to assist you via the contact page.


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Metal Police Badge & Wallet

Unique metal police badge and wallet designed for that extra touch of realism. Uniformed officers, covert, detective and plain clothed police officers.


Covert Dash Lights

Covert Red & Blue dash lights. Bright, LED illumination and powered by a 12V cigarette plug. Alternate flash patterns. CLICK TO SEE SAMPLE


Magnetic Roof Light

Magnetic roof light, Red & Blue combination. Bright, LED illumination and powered by a 12V cigarette plug. CLICK TO SEE SAMPLE


Rear Covert Window Lights

Covert rear window lights, Red & Blue combination. Bright, LED illumination and powered by a 12V cigarette plug. CLICK TO SEE SAMPLE


Retractable Knife - Small

A small black plastic retractable knife. Safe and available to use on production sets without the use of a supervising armourer or stunt/safety advisor.


Retractable Knife - Large

A larger black plastic retractable knife. Safe and available to use on production sets without the use of a supervising armourer or stunt/safety advisor.


Long Plastic Baton

Old school baton. Light weight and super maneuverable. Safe to use, and does not require stunt or safety advisor. Can be filled with sand for a more realistic weight or swing comparison.


Truncheon Style Plastic Baton

Old school truncheon style baton. Light weight and super maneuverable. Safe to use, and does not require stunt or safety advisor. Ideal for background charactors or off camera performers


Torch & Holder

Mag torch and holder. Non functioning, Light weight and can be added to the uniform belt for a more realistic look. Ideal for background charactors or off camera performers